Thursday, April 23, 2009

Our Communication is broken through our Seperate Symbol Systems

"Slowly people found others in their hometowns who spoke the same as themselves. Groups were formed. People who spoke the same language moved away together and each group moved to a different part of the earth."

5 = E
55 = A
555 = C#
5555 = F
55555 = A
555555 = C#
5555555 = F

The F A C# is one of the triangles that combines to make a star of David symbol.

55555555 = Ab
555555555 = C
5555555555 = E

Ab C E is another of the triangles. In all there are four triangles, and two Star of Davids. What has been unearthed so far is one triangle from
each of the two stars.

55555555555 = Ab
555555555555 = C
5555555555555 = E
55555555555555 = Ab
555555555555555 = B
5555555555555555 = Eb
55555555555555555 = G

B Eb G, is the third of the four triangles. Only the D F# Bb to go:

555555555555555555 = B
5555555555555555555 = Eb
55555555555555555555 = G
555555555555555555555 = B
5555555555555555555555 =- D
55555555555555555555555 = F#
555555555555555555555555 = Bb

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